
Jay’s journey digs New Papworth Hospital construction site

Press release 27/06/2017 14:00 CET

Jay Davison recently took a break from chemotherapy treatment to drive and control a digger on the New Papworth Hospital construction site.

Jay Davison with the New Papworth Hospital project team

Working with Addenbrooke’s, situated next door to the construction site, the team created an experience which Jay, his family and friends will definitely remember fondly.

Treated like a VIP visitor to the site, Jay was kitted out in his own, named high-visibility jacket, hard hat, gloves and glasses, thanks to supplier Greenhams, which made the little boy feel even more special.

He then received his own ID card to provide full site access and joined driver Des Fox in the digger driving seat. Taking control of the vehicle, Jay lowered and raised the bucket, had fun driving it forwards and backwards, before scooping sand into a dumper truck. He then got to enjoy a ride in the dumper truck, which turned out to be such a favourite that he didn’t want to get off.

Jay said: “My favourite bit was driving the dumper truck around and helping Anthony Renshaw (Logistics Manager) make tea for mummy.”

Dr Matthew Murray, Jay’s consultant at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, said: “As a result of his illness, and the intensive chemotherapy treatment he has received, Jay has spent a considerable part of the last five or six months in hospital.

“During that time he has devised a wish list of things he would like to do. I know from speaking to Jay and his family that he had a great time riding a digger. He even got to wear a high-vis jacket with his own name on and a safety hat. Jay told me that he loved the day ‘loads’ and that it was ‘awesome’!

“Events like this really help to cheer children up in between treatments and I would like to thank Skanska for providing this opportunity for Jay.”

Sarah Duffin, Office Manager for Skanska, organised the visit. She said: “I asked Jay if he enjoyed himself and he said it was his best day ever. He brought many of us to tears. He’s an absolute inspiration and our little hero. Some of our team are visiting him while he’s in hospital and we look forward to welcoming Jay back to the site in the future.”

Keily and Martin Davison, Jay’s parents, said: “When we came up with the idea of Jay’s wish list to make him some special memories we had no idea how far people would go to make our little boy smile.

“Jay was so excited to get to drive a digger and he tells all his nurses at Addenbrooke’s how he helped to build the New Papworth Hospital.

“It's been lovely to have some of the team from Papworth visit him during his last chemotherapy cycle and he takes his personalised high-visibility jacket and ID card with him just in case they need him to go and help out again!

“The icing on the cake came when Sarah brought Jay a copy of the pictures that they took during the day, including a huge picture of Jay and Des driving the digger. They have got pride of place on his bedroom wall!

“We would like to thank everyone who helped to make this wish come true and put a smile on our brave little superhero’s face.”

Follow Jay’s journey at: https://www.facebook.com/Jaysjourney2017/ (scroll to 5 June).