Costain-Skanska has completed the Kings College Hospital PFI Project ten weeks ahead of schedule. The joint venture handed over the last stage of the project – partial refurbishment of the Ruskin Wing – this week.
Ahmad Toumadj, Director of Facilities at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust and David Pokora, Chief Executive of Hospital Partnership Consortium (the PFI Project Company) said: “The Trust and HpC are both delighted with the early completion as it means that the Trust can advance the timescale of further refurbishment works in order to secure the transfer of services from the Dulwich Hospital into the new building.
“This was a significant refurbishment project of six floors whilst the remaining five floors were in use with minimal disruption to patients, public and staff.”
Costain-Skanska was, in addition to the Ruskin Wing refurbishment, also responsible for the design and construction of the Hospital’s Golden Jubilee Wing, which houses the Main Out-Patients Department, therapies, HDU, medical ward and women services. The Golden Jubilee Wing was also completed ahead of time.