
Skanska secures new work worth £10m from Anglian Water

Press release 16/05/2003 00:00 CET

Skanska has been awarded new projects worth £10m on its long-term framework partnership with Anglian Water to upgrade and renew its wastewater infrastructure under the AMP3 programme.

The company is also working at the preliminary design and budget stage on more contracts worth £35m that are scheduled to reach construction stage over the next 12 months.

The latest work includes a £4.2m project to refurbish and upgrade nine treatment facilities across the Anglian Water region, covering an area of Eastern England from the Humber to the Thames rivers, as well as a £3.1m contract to upgrade a further eight treatment plants.

Projects Skanska has carried out so far under the framework agreement vary in size from £100,000 to £5m, with Skanska performing detailed design, constructing and commissioning services on most of them.

The company recently had its three-year agreement extended to four and has consistently been a high performer under Anglian Water’s key performance indicators for its contractors.

To enhance integration and communication among project teams, Skanska recently invested in a new office in Peterborough close to Anglian Water’s Technology Group.