
Success for life

Press release 03/04/2013 09:00 CET

Last month saw the launch of Arrival Education’s 2013 Success for Life programme.

Success for Life programme

Skanska volunteers and students were brought together to hear about the talent development programme Arrival Education is running in partnership with Skanska. The programme develops young people from challenging backgrounds, in the real skills, knowledge, personal attributes and ways of thinking needed to be highly successful in work and in life.

Emily Shenton from Arrival Education ran through the history of the programme and benefits of participating. She spoke about the impact it has on the young people taking part, many of whom have had extremely difficult life circumstances with broken families, siblings in jail and poverty. The session promoted the different activities on offer for students and mentors including one-off workshops and the six to nine month mentoring opportunities.

Success for Life Graduate, Ibrahim Ologunro and his Skanska mentor Greg Poole brought the programme to life when they talked about the benefits of working together over the last four years. The students then got to meet the Skanska employees to work through a short activity called Path to Success.

On 1 May the students and the Skanska team will be taking part in their first workshop – Producing Results.  

A few of the comments from the Skanska team and the students who attended:

“A very uplifting and thought provoking presentation, Arrival Education does some fantastic work with young adults. It was great to understand how Skanska employees can not only become involved in helping to develop future young talent but also about the added benefits this brings to them themselves” Glyn Mutton, Skanska

“I felt like the people from Skanska were genuinely interested in me and what I had to say. It was also really nice to hear that they are still working on closing their own gaps in terms of what they want from life. It felt really nice.” Anieye, student

“I found meeting the students to be thoroughly enjoyable; they were friendly, approachable and in some cases inspiring. I went home feeling like I had been part of a very good thing” Chris Pottage, Skanska

“I learnt that it is ok not to know exactly what you want to do, but to work hard regardless.” Junelle, student

There are still plenty of opportunities to get involved in this programme. If you would like to join or just come along to the workshop on 1 May please contact Emily Shenton Contact or Greg Poole, Contact to discuss.