Gammon Construction, Kvaerner Construction’s Hong Kong-based subsidiary, has won building and foundations contracts on the island with a combined value of £39 million.
The company is to build a 21-storey residential block, an eight-storey secondary school and an eight-storey primary school for the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the Tseung Kwan O area. The £25 million (HK$317.4m) contract is due for completion in March 2001.
The company’s foundations division has secured a further £14 million (HK$180m) contract in the heart of the island’s central business area.
Here Gammon, which has already demolished an existing building on the site, is due to install 28 bored piles; a 245-metre diaphragm wall; a 254-metre capping beam and 28 stanchions for the client Hong Kong Land by October next year.
The new building, the third to be built on the Charter Road site since it was reclaimed from Victoria Harbour in 1904, is due for completion in mid 2002 when it will provide banking and retail facilities.
For further information contact:
Cheryl Eaton, PR Manager - 01923 423 030Kris Birkett, Press Officer - 01923 423 833