It’s part of our history
Skanska UK has always been committed to minimising the impact our projects and work has on the environment and communities we work in. For nearly 30 years we have focused on reducing our carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and promoting sustainability in the construction industry. From BREAM and WELL certified buildings to the integration of green roofs and energy-efficient systems, we have consistently embraced a responsible approach that supports our customers, supply chain and our business practices.
The Skanska Color Palette™ (CP) was introduced in 2009 as our strategic framework and primary communication tool for Green Construction & Development (Green Business).
Tracking our journey
Back in 2010 we implemented our ‘Journey to Deep Green™’ which at that time provided a guide to how we might achieve construction with near-zero environmental impact and led is to where we are today.
Whilst it’s now been retired along with the Skanska Color Palette™ it remains a part of our legacy and has shaped our approach to contribute to a more sustainable future.
From vanilla to deep green
Vanilla = Compliance. The construction process and/or product performance is in compliance with applicable laws, codes and standards.
Green = Beyond Compliance. The construction process and/or product performance is beyond compliance, but not yet at a point where it can be considered to have a near-zero environmental impact.
Deep Green = Future Proof. The construction process and our product performance has a near-zero impact on the environment and thereby future proofs our projects.
Our next steps to net-zero
Net zero means achieving an operating balance between the greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and those taken out.
Over time the emissions associated with our construction activity will reduce through the decarbonisation of the materials and methods used by the industry and Skanska UK is focused on speeding this transition by prioritising carbon reduction in the projects we deliver.
We anticipate achieving greater than 90% emissions reduction over our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions from a 2010 baseline via a) emissions reductions and b) emissions balancing and removal included in the manufacturing, fabrication and transportation processes of the products and materials we use.
We will also transparently report any client or supply chain led offsetting, and any other emissions balancing or removals solutions, via our project and business level emissions reporting