
Managing risk and creating opportunities with digital engineering

As construction and development projects become increasingly complex, the management of operational risk is crucial. Building information modelling (BIM), can help develop the best design solutions and reduce uncertainties.

3D model

We can demonstrate how proposed designs will look and function with a 3D model linked to the construction programme and cost information. As the model responds to design changes, we can update schedules and budgets in real time providing clients with highly accurate cost forecasting.

Optimising design

BIM brings product designs to life and enables clients to see how finished solutions will work.

At our commercial office development of 66 Queen Square in Bristol, we were able to demonstrate how the proposed design would fit in with the surrounding Grade II listed Georgian buildings. The model, developed using Autodesk Revit and Navisworks Manage, included every rafter, joist and strengthening beam, all of which were colour coded depending on their condition and restoration requirements.

Efficient construction

3D models can determine potential flaws, identify clashes and by linking to the construction programme help us to deliver projects on time. The model can immediately respond to changes to the design or schedule, with any impact being clearly identified.

Laser Scanning

Laser scanning can be used to capture how construction is progressing, while identifying any variations. At the Limmo Peninsula Crossrail site, our piling and foundations business, Cementation Skanska, created a model of the diaphragm wall shaft using laser scanning.

Managing people and resources

We are always on the lookout for innovative solutions that improve productivity. For our roads and highways business, we developed an application that advises employees of their work for the day, before they leave home. Given the distance that some people travel to look after hundreds of miles of major infrastructure, eliminating the need to check in at site offices each day can lead to significant cost and carbon savings.

We are also using BIM for:

  • Documenting sign off sheets and snagging reports on handheld devices.
    This is sent back to the common data environment where information is held in a central cloud based system.
  • Accurate cost estimating once designs are completed.
    Integrating cost information with the model allows us to provide clients with a project budget that is clearly linked to construction phases and activities.
Last updated: 23/01/2017